Monday, 15 August 2016

Informatique et Égyptologie - Cambridge - 2016

A meeting of the working group “Informatique et Égyptologie” of the International Association of Egyptologists took place at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge on 11-12 July, 2016.

Presentations and discussions were almost entirely concerned with the hieroglyphic writing system in future additions to the Unicode Standard. The main areas of focus were:

A summary of the meeting by Debbie Anderson of the Script Encoding Initiative, Berkeley is available as Brief Report from Cambridge meeting of Egyptologists and Update [pdf].

Ongoing discussions following the meeting are taking place on the Egyptian Hieroglyphs in the UCS mailing list (see archives at I'll try to deal with some of these follow-up activities in future blog posts.

If documents from presentations made at the meeting become available online, I'd like to link to them here. Let me know if or when anything becomes available. Thanks.

Bob Richmond